Big problem = time to first byte

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GK User
Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:50 pm
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I need to improve time to first byte for my site I made some tweaks, my site is loading quite fast. When I run several tests (pingdom, webpagetest, gtmetrix) loading of my site is about 3-5s, I need to get under 2s.
My config:
Joomla 2.5.9
Joomsef 4 (cache on)
Mysql 5.5
Gzip on, Cache on
I use CDN for all files.
Site in total has 65 http request, about 800kb.

The problem is time to first byte is almost 2-3s. After TTFB everything is loading pretty fast.
When I run Debug, I see...
200 Queries Logged
38 Query Types Logged

I know it is problem of the backend of Joomla. Components slow down Joomla... My other site has no extra component and TTFB is less then 0,8s.

What should I do improve my TTFB? Any suggestions? has 700kb, 44 requests...TTFB less than 1s, total loading time 1,6 - 2,5s (pingdom)

Thanks for help.
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Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:48 am
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I'm afraid this would require to reimplement a component which is causing it. So first You would need to find which extension is that with a simple test to try one at the time on a specially prepared template. You can use a joomla default template and strip it from all except <header>. Than You need to leave a line loading a module or component. Not a fast way of doing that, but that will give a clear picture where to look for an answer.
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GK User
Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:42 pm
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Thanks for suggestion.
I run debug, this is profile informations data:
Code: Select all
Application 0.000 seconds (+0.000); 0.76 MB (+0.761) - afterLoad
Application 0.140 seconds (+0.139); 8.95 MB (+8.189) - afterInitialise
Application 0.189 seconds (+0.049); 10.38 MB (+1.430) - afterRoute
Application 0.721 seconds (+0.532); 12.46 MB (+2.081) - afterDispatch
Application 0.759 seconds (+0.037); 13.41 MB (+0.949) - beforeRenderModule mod_login (Login)
Application 0.785 seconds (+0.026); 13.51 MB (+0.102) - afterRenderModule mod_login (Login)
Application 0.785 seconds (+0.000); 13.51 MB (-0.001) - beforeRenderModule mod_menu (VolleyCountry)
Application 0.813 seconds (+0.028); 13.61 MB (+0.104) - afterRenderModule mod_menu (VolleyCountry)
Application 0.814 seconds (+0.000); 13.61 MB (-0.005) - beforeRenderModule mod_menu (We write)
Application 0.835 seconds (+0.022); 13.63 MB (+0.022) - afterRenderModule mod_menu (We write)
Application 0.835 seconds (+0.000); 13.63 MB (-0.005) - beforeRenderModule mod_menu (Resources)
Application 0.870 seconds (+0.034); 13.65 MB (+0.022) - afterRenderModule mod_menu (Resources)
Application 0.870 seconds (+0.000); 13.64 MB (-0.005) - beforeRenderModule mod_menu (We like)
Application 0.877 seconds (+0.007); 13.66 MB (+0.018) - afterRenderModule mod_menu (We like)
Application 0.877 seconds (+0.000); 13.66 MB (-0.005) - beforeRenderModule mod_menu (Other links)
Application 0.883 seconds (+0.006); 13.67 MB (+0.015) - afterRenderModule mod_menu (Other links)
Application 0.883 seconds (+0.000); 13.67 MB (-0.001) - beforeRenderModule mod_acymailing (Want more volleyball?)
Application 0.914 seconds (+0.031); 14.83 MB (+1.156) - afterRenderModule mod_acymailing (Want more volleyball?)
Application 0.915 seconds (+0.000); 14.79 MB (-0.034) - beforeRenderModule mod_banners (Become better)
Application 0.944 seconds (+0.029); 14.97 MB (+0.176) - afterRenderModule mod_banners (Become better)
Application 0.944 seconds (+0.001); 14.98 MB (+0.015) - beforeRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 homepage 0)
Application 1.008 seconds (+0.063); 16.35 MB (+1.364) - afterRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 homepage 0)
Application 1.009 seconds (+0.001); 16.30 MB (-0.053) - beforeRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 homepage 1)
Application 1.140 seconds (+0.131); 16.42 MB (+0.128) - afterRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 homepage 1)
Application 1.141 seconds (+0.001); 16.33 MB (-0.096) - beforeRenderModule mod_custom (H1 title - Latest volleyball news)
Application 1.208 seconds (+0.067); 18.06 MB (+1.729) - afterRenderModule mod_custom (H1 title - Latest volleyball news)
Application 1.209 seconds (+0.001); 18.08 MB (+0.022) - beforeRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 homepage 2)
Application 1.281 seconds (+0.073); 18.18 MB (+0.101) - afterRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 homepage 2)
Application 1.282 seconds (+0.001); 18.08 MB (-0.099) - beforeRenderModule mod_custom (Banner top - ECH Denmark)
Application 1.283 seconds (+0.001); 18.09 MB (+0.004) - afterRenderModule mod_custom (Banner top - ECH Denmark)
Application 1.283 seconds (+0.000); 18.08 MB (-0.001) - beforeRenderModule mod_dropdown_megamenu (mod_dropdown_megamenu)
Application 1.327 seconds (+0.044); 18.70 MB (+0.615) - beforeRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 players menu)
Application 1.342 seconds (+0.016); 18.75 MB (+0.055) - afterRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 players menu)
Application 1.357 seconds (+0.014); 18.77 MB (+0.018) - beforeRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 world menu)
Application 1.387 seconds (+0.031); 18.83 MB (+0.056) - afterRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 world menu)
Application 1.402 seconds (+0.015); 18.86 MB (+0.033) - beforeRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 training menu)
Application 1.414 seconds (+0.012); 18.92 MB (+0.061) - afterRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 training menu)
Application 1.419 seconds (+0.006); 18.90 MB (-0.022) - beforeRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 beach menu)
Application 1.430 seconds (+0.011); 18.96 MB (+0.055) - afterRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 beach menu)
Application 1.444 seconds (+0.014); 18.97 MB (+0.019) - beforeRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 league menu)
Application 1.473 seconds (+0.029); 19.04 MB (+0.069) - afterRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 league menu)
Application 1.487 seconds (+0.014); 19.06 MB (+0.016) - beforeRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 blog menu)
Application 1.497 seconds (+0.010); 19.12 MB (+0.055) - afterRenderModule mod_news_pro_gk4 (GK4 blog menu)
Application 1.504 seconds (+0.008); 19.00 MB (-0.118) - afterRenderModule mod_dropdown_megamenu (mod_dropdown_megamenu)
Application 1.505 seconds (+0.000); 19.00 MB (-0.001) - beforeRenderModule mod_search (Search)
Application 1.517 seconds (+0.012); 19.03 MB (+0.031) - afterRenderModule mod_search (Search)
Application 1.517 seconds (+0.000); 19.02 MB (-0.007) - beforeRenderModule mod_custom (Social)
Application 1.518 seconds (+0.001); 19.02 MB (+0.004) - afterRenderModule mod_custom (Social)
Application 1.695 seconds (+0.177); 19.13 MB (+0.109) - afterRender

There are some lines where module needs more than 1s to render (afterRenderModule). But I do not 100% understand all these informations.

I think module acymailing, gk4, custom H1 could cause some delays. Can you confirm this? Or I am on the bad way?
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Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:23 am
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I think it's a wrong way. Functions as onload, beforerendermodule, etc are waiting for site to fully load and are being executed than. So delay in this case can be caused by images on the site for example.

What you need to do is to track which extension is causing the biggest delay than we may be able to think of something to speed it up.

I just thought about 1 thing. Have you tried a better cache solution? JotCache for example.
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GK User
Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:51 pm
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Ok, understand.
I am using CacheControl plugin, standard cache plugin disabled. I just turn off caching for option=com_conten. I need to see fresh articles right away after they are published. Everything else is turned on.

Good, I will make these examination. I expect it will be one of acymailing, phocagallery, docman component extension causing these delays.
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GK User
Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:04 pm
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Before the complete examination of all components I tried JotCache and... miracle happened :-)
My TTFB are under 1s with JotCache enabled. Great.

The only problem is that the cache is getting really big, I set up autoclean to 360 minutes, I saw quite big delays in backend loading. Now I am on 60 minutes, waiting for better performance.

Thanks for advice to use JotCache:-)
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Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:26 am
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Yes JotCache is my favourite component :) Big cache is not a bad thing. It only makes site load faster. If You have a content caching disabled I would rise the time to keep the cache so the size will grow slower.
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GK User
Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:54 pm
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I asked my webhosting provider to check my system and loading. They found that processing of mod_news_pro_gk4 and JFolder takes each about 500ms. How can I decrease these times?

I do not use gk4 cache yet...
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Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:50 am
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You mean JFolder and NSP at the same time? The only case this both elements are used together is during creating a thumbnail. So probably cache will help if it's such a case.
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GK User
Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:30 pm
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Ok, I set up GK4 module cache for thumbnails.

I have one problem with Jotcache. I can exclude article(s) from caching. But I need to exclude all rsform forms (plugins in articles) from caching too, they do not work properly. How can I do it?

When I go to Jotcache component, URL exclude...
I do not know which rsform values to post to Exclude Views & Query Parameters field.

Thanks for help
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Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:14 am
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Unfortunately I do not know an answer to this question either. I think You should ask jotCache developers. I had not used rsform and jotcache together yet.
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