On my website : http://www.planete-nextgen.com/ I have a banner.
But my banner is not responsive .
This is my code :
- Code: Select all
<a title="Poster manga et série" href="http://www.abystyle-studio.com/fr/" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'clic-sortie-dataedge', 'sortie vers dataedge']);"><img class="gkResponsive" src="/images/banniere_429x55.jpg" alt="ABYstyle" border="0" width="429px" height="55px" /></a><span style="padding-left:5px"><a href="http://www.psparadise.fr/" target="_blank"><img class="gkResponsive" src="/images/actus/psparadise.jpg" border="0" width="446px" height="55px" /></a></span>
How to have a reponsive banner please ?