Moving to News ASAP

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Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:03 pm
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I have had it with my current template from another company. There are problems with caching, and many others besides.

I just migrated to J2.5 about a month or so ago, and look forward to a responsive template.

Our site is here: httppl://

Any recommendations on placing the Google Ads at the top of News? I can place them inside articles a"nd in the sidebar.

Any need-to-have modules for News?

Any other recommendations on moving to GavickPro?

How is News with iJoomla's Ad Agency?

I've been looking at GavickPro for a long time. Need to make the move at last. Would like to eventually style to our light green background, place our logo in the top-left.

Looking forward to something that loads efficiently.


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Junior Boarder

Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:21 pm
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I'll answer You every question, but You need to ask directly what You need.

Here is an instruction how to add a new module position: ... -position/

iJoomla's Ad Agency is simply using template module positions to display ads, so there should be no problems using it.
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