I resolved that problem by myself. Because it's my first contact with K2 I was not aware that K2 is not supporting pagination but some work and it's working in way I'm expecting from it.
As a bonus small add-on to template.css file.
- Code: Select all
li.pagination-start .pagenav,
li.pagination-prev .pagenav,
li.pagination-next .pagenav,
li.pagination-end .pagenav {
display: none;
li.pagination-start a.pagenav,
li.pagination-prev a.pagenav,
li.pagination-next a.pagenav,
li.pagination-end a.pagenav {
display: inline;
With this addition on first page in multipage article there is no Start Prev buttons and on last page there is no End Next buttons which doesn't look good.