Hello. I've installed Virtuemar 2.0.24 and when i try to use the module it gets very messy. This is, for example, the add/remove button gets completely wrong formatted, and the quantity box gets very narrow. Any help?
I am afraid this template does not support virtuemart styling so post your website and I can help you if its something quick, if not we won't able to help you as this goes in to customization and out of our support scope.
Please resend details as I haven't received any information, makes sure while choosing moderator from list click on add to which will add that moderator as recipient.
Alternatively you can email me normanuk[at]live.co.uk, please include this topics title as your email subject so I can find it easily.
Choose a template style that you want to use from our templates, the ones support virtuemart and then let me know which template. Also send me your ftp details.
Alternatively if you just want to use default virtuemart style then I can do small fixes in current view.