Hi, All of our responsive templates -- apart from Music Free and Fashion, where we use masonry layout -- gets a new option called 'Disable Responsive Layout'. Go to 'LAYOUTS' Tab and use of a simple on/off switcher (see picture)
Remember to update template to new version if you don't have it, and Save changes
p.s. When the responsive layout option is disabled, the site will display exactly the same on all devices regardless of screen resolution.
Hi pfrankowski, thanks you for your reply. But my question was how to make A SPECIFIC page not responsive in Publisher. I still need other pages are responsive. Please advise.
Hmm, I have one idea: 1) Create a standard article, 2) Inside article insert some content and modules if you need them. Use <div></div> and css to set positions etc. It should help. It worked for me.
Hi, thanks for the follow up. The <div></div> code does work, but looks odd when use mobile to view this page (please see attached screenshot). Is it impossible to have this whole page including menu and footer everything not responsive to small devices?
Hi, your map in divided in small objects so only other solution is insert only one image + use HTML <map> Tag. Read about: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp