Cyberek wrote:To send PM - click my nick on the left, then find option - send private message

- just for the future.
Ok, if our demo site crashes your browser also, please send me here full report - phone, version, browser and its version. We will try to figure it out.
Hi, Thank you for your response.
On PM - all is now clear

many thanks.
On phone crash issue - unfortunately it does not offer any report option, nor does it specify what error or otherwise issue it is - all it does is trying to load for a few sec and just about when the loading strip gets to half way - without actually loading anything the screen goes black then just completely switches the whole safari browser off and kicks me out to phone menu.
I have an Iphone 4s - the newest software update iOS 7.0.3 (I am sure you will be aware of this one - it looks very different to what it used to with funkier looking menu etc.). I dont know where to check Safari version on my phone - it is probably just the same as iOS 7.0.3? In any case it is the latest one because I update everything every time there is a notification.
Interestingly - today I also tries opening your demo as well as our website using a colleagues Iphone 4 - BUT without the latest update (he never got around to upgrading the software) and all works fine. So it must be something to do with Iphone's latest software.
Also - just to be more specific - I have an Ipad which also has the newest update of software - but strangely all opens just fine.
Hope that this helps. Would be great if problem could be sorted.