I'm in the process of updating my Startup 1.1 WP theme to version 1.2, however, I'm having a bit of a problem finding the correct zip file which contains the v1.2 updated files. All the links which I've found that state "download" version 1.2 link to the AppsPro Tech Theme page not the Startup Download Page.
So for example: the "Download" link on the Startup for WP Updates change log page, points to https://www.gavick.com/download/downloa ... ch_wp.html
If I go to the "Download WordPress Themes - Startup Page" Which zip file must I download to get the updated version 1.2 files (all the files currently in these zips seem to be for 1.1)
Also why is there no zip containing (Only) the version 1.2 files?
The gk_startup_rest_files_WP_3.4.zip appears to be old (3.4 rather than 3.5)?
Also is it usual for a theme to get SO many files updated, it seems the WP Startup theme may have been released prematurely and as a result have had many more bugs than what it should have had. My primary reason for being concerned is that with so many files to (Manually) update the process is rather frustrating and frankly takes quite a while.
Jeremy Paton
Forge Media, Inc.