Hyperlink Color

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GK User
Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:46 pm
Hi, is there somewhere in the template settings to change the active link color to match the hover color? I use style 2, so I would like it to be #3eabe9 when there is a hyperlink, so it is obvious before someone hovers over it. Thanks!

I actually need to know this for both Joomla and Wordpress as I am using a dual install. Thank you!!
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GK User
Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:24 pm

There's no option on template settings.
So do like this:

You can go to Dashboad >Startup > Template Options > Advanced and enable "Use the override.css file".
Them you can open the following file at ../wp-content/themes/Startup/css/override.css and add this line:

Code: Select all
a {color: #3eabe9!important; }

Go to template parameters > advanced settings and enable the use of css override.
Them open ../templates/gk_startup/css/override.css and add this the same line.

Code: Select all
a {color: #3eabe9!important; }

What override.css does is override the template classes and this way you don't have to change anything on the original css files, ensuring easy template updates.

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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:03 am
Thank you so much. WP worked like a charm because I am not using the front page slider. Joomla work, but then the buttons on the slider were the wrong color. So I left the Joomla main site unchanged. Thank you so much!!
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Junior Boarder
