I have a large white space between my header image and the rest of my content.
I removed all my slides, I would like to disable that function but keep the header image.
Cyberek wrote:You are using Image Show GK4 module there.
Try to disable that module if You dont want to use its functionalities, and replace it with Custom HTML module, where You can put single image.
Cyberek wrote:To work with custom html module problem I would need to see it on a live site.
I can help you with reducing spacing as it is right now, but please create a screenshot and mark exactly which space you would like to remove.
#gkHeader.nobg {height: 760px}
@media (max-width: 930px){
#gkHeader.nobg {
height: 660px !important;
@media (max-width: 580px){
#gkHeader.nobg {
height: 360px !important;
min-height: 360px !important;