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Dear moderators,
In the event of a response, you are kindly requested to provide complete answers..
1.It is impossible to make the footer menu appear on startup. I have followed all the right steps publishing module, footer menu position as foot nav etc.. I even installed the real design template, and compared the footer menu settings, they were both the same but footer would not appear on start up. Am i doing something wrong?? what do you suggest me to do?
2. On the main menu bar, i would like to have an about us tab where a click would direct you to an article providing the relevant info. Now i don't want that article to be shown among the other articles.
Same goes for terms and conditions, by creating through single article, i need to choose a category and then shown among the articles. Any way around it??
3. I would like at the contact us page to have a messaging form that will gives you options for different departments, a bit like gavick contact us option.. How do i do that?
4.I would like to reduce footers height as shown in picture.
ps: im developing on MAMP so i dont have log in details..
thank you in advance..