Hi all,
I am working on a multilingual site with the Startup template, and having some issues with the following:
Cannot find a way to put the Language Switcher over the header. I've tried various module positions (including position-7, login, register) without any lack.
The topmost position it could be displayed is the header position, in which case the title did not show!
(I have 2 LS setup, one for each language and the title language changes fine in Top1 position for example)
Cannot change the language of LOGIN and SIGN IN in both the popup window and login and register potitions.
Most important, I cannot change the language of HOME item in PageTop menu, since this item cannot be disabled. I have tried many different ways to overcome this issue, but had no lack.
Please let me know if there is way around this problems, as it is important to have based my work on this template and it will take quite an effort and pursuation to change it.
Thank you,