Module Badges

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GK User
Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:50 pm
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I would like to ask if we can include custom badges on modules?
Currently there are HOT, NEW, TOP badges.
Is there a way for me to create alternative badges as the current but with different text?

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GK User
Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:59 pm
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Hi, Yes you can. This should be easy for everyone who know a little of css / photoshop.
Now all badges are in this file: templates/gk_fashion/images/style1/badge_hot.png so you can edit this and upload a new one.
Remember this template has 3 style, so this file could be in "style1, style2 or style3" folder.

If you want to add yours a new one, you have to add some css code to style1.css or style2.css or style3.css, based on css code you will find in those files.
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GK User
Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:01 am
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Yes I found the badge_hot.png and will change it.

But would you might have any code example on how to implement a new badge png file?
I want to have 6 Badges so in other words 2 "badge_hot.png" files which will be called via suffix alternatevely.

Example I will have another icon set with 3 badges named DIY, VIDEO, FOOD.

Best Regards,
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Junior Boarder
