Hi @ all!
Do you like sample here some results of your experience?
Did you all control your sites on different devices, viewport - like smartphones, iPhones, tablets and iPads?
The design of the Fashion Template is really good on desktop and it will change on different solutions - on the desktop!
What this responsive for is to display the site in a good way on mobile viewports…
On tablet view it starts to get totally different like; from having desktop modus, to having one/two column on iPad3 and mixed up with the Samsung Galaxy….
So I did changes already in the css and template style, as you may also.
For testing it is maybe good, just to use the original from gavick in the demo mode.
My testings:
- two modules are spread out 100% width
- Sidebar modules are displaying as two columns under the mainbody-top/button
- inset is not displayed
- menu categories is selected menu on top
- mainmenu is selected on top (like mobile) not expand
iPad2 is different I will check later - don´t having two iPads here
Samsung 10.1
- inset is visible
- mainbody-top and bottom modules in the middle on the right of it is only empty space
- two sidebar columns is under mainbody-top and bottom modules
AND much empty space on the right side!!! No sidebar modules showing on the space on the right side, they are in the middle (two columns) under the “Mainbody”!
The Samsung is for my taste a tablet! Or I am wrong?
It don´t get on this the desktop version even the tablet version, it broke/mix everything up!
Feel free to continue