Thanxs a lot for trying it... I agree, it is much more work.
But I would be happy just in case to have the mainbody (left column) little bigger.
As I understood the width is corresponding with multiply the grids width.
For examle grid width is 250 and mainbody width is choosed for 3 - follows the mainbody is 750 width, rest will fill like I decided how many column should appear and what kind of devices it loading the page it will finally displayed. To make the mainbody width on tablet like this choice going, 3grids big (one column) and the second (one column) 250 - it should displayed on iPad2 with 1024 - So far so good as a blonde calculated it
But on the resolution of 1024 it is not displaying in this szenario! Somewhere there is a little code monster that say - spread it the whole width in two columns! Thats how it looks like open iPad2 and iPad3. Even losing the mainmenu at iPad3! Another post/problem.
For the resolution of 2048 iPad3 - it should show like the desktop version, but it don´t do.
I try to understand how this works.
Ergo – the tablet is smaller – more resolution takes places in smaller width (real), but we all don´t wanna have little tiny things on the screen… there must be a mathematic thing calculate for displaying it in a good way and width for your eyes.
But to calculate the mainbody down and the column up (to make it bigger) sounds and look like a little math monster is doing it wrong, cause losing the harmonic style to do it equal in proportional behavior.
Yes, a woman always want to have good looking in harmonic style.
Where is my fault to understand!?
On tablet we have for the resolution different measures, specially on retina displays... etc.
Means - my opion is, to handle this with the media queries?! I am right??
I am not familar with it NOW... so I ask the professionals here from the gavick team.
The retina will get us nuts in the future even with the resolutions of images etc. - that for it will NOT be only a single problem of myself... after starting with responsive it will continue with more and more development on the web(standards). I looking forward to much much work and learning - puhhhh
Anyhow - to work with the responsive design doesn´t mean only to create one WORK that fits with all devices, means a little less work to do, but to make it really going it still looks for more work of understanding how it works, in the mean time the developments going fast forward.
Hopefully we fetch the right code for the right time!
But now I am on my knees – cause my magazine have to redesigned in the next two weeks.
I put all I can and have into it. With still earn NO money… just over one year work everyday… I decided for this change to the responsive template and I am really be quite tightly at the edge…
I do all by myself… the layout is still not done but about 300 articles pasted and waiting for a final polish. Meantime the normal daily madness going on. In the evening and later
I try to google myself through responsive… responsive… responsive… but I be honest - too tired for any understanding these days, I fell asleep.
I really like to solve problems by myself… but NOW I need help.
And again I don´t wanna extra work from the team! Only the template going like it should.
And to ask for a harmonic look like – spreading the column width – must be the interest of lot more than myself.
And to have the main menu (expand – like on desktop) on tablet is what is displayed on the gavick documentation. That for I choosed the template with responsive design – with more time I would going back to start.
cheers from a blonde