Hi again
Here's detail instructions:
1) Go to template manager, select gk_fashion template and click on "duplicate"
2) You now have gk_fashion 2 . Click on this template to change parameters.
3) On gk_fashion 2 parameters, go to menu options and select the menu that you want to display on this template. For my example i will use "Categories menu"
4) Go to "Menus > Mainmenu" and to create a new link that will be used to "jump" from gk_fashion to gk_fashion 2. Actually i will called "Jumplink"
5) On the "Jumplink" menu parameters, set template style to gk_fashion 2 and save.
6) Open frontpage and now you will see the "Jumplink" on mainmenu. Click on this link and see what happens
7) You now have "Categories Menu" instead of "MainMenu".
You can do the same on "Categories Menu" by creating a new Jumplink to return to "Mainmenu" menu that uses gk_fashion template.
That's it