Hello, Gavick folks,
I am working on the Fashion template and have noticed that the layout loads correctly in a vertical position on an iPad, but when turning to horizontal, the layout expands beyond the browser window. If I load the site in a vertical position, the site loads to the correct width. If I then turn to vertical, it is still correct. BUT, if I turn back again to horizontal, it is incorrect.
I made a few changes to the css: the logo width was increased from 210 to 300px. The other changes (other than color) were to remove some top and bottom padding to gkPageTop and gkPageWrap. I also changed .gkIsWrapper-gk_fashion margin to 0 so that the imageshow would have the same border as the sample NewsShow.
I wonder if you could help me pinpoint what I have done wrong or if there is something I have overlooked.
Thank you,