Root folder and before content modues

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GK User
Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:59 pm
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can you please tell me exactly where and what is root folder in this template? Where can I put let say google tracking code, site map etc.?

How can I put my content before modules (for search engines to find it). I indexed my page and all that stuff from google, but my content still doesn't show in search engines....

One last web page is really slow (49/100 in google speed)'s a big problem. I enabled gzip, cache... but it doesn't help....can you advise me what else can I do??

Please, please I need this info asap....

Many thanks and best regards!
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Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:54 am
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ad 1) templates/gk_bikestore/layout/default.php
- but we suggest to use plugins or module instead of customization of php code.

use those tips: ... -template/
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Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:56 am
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How can I put my content before modules (for search engines to find it).

Google should read content also from modules. Please read more about Joomla SEO - even book about J2.5 would we okey.

Besides, it's Google - he does what he wants.
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Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:59 am
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my web page is really slow (49/100 in google speed)

Use different tools to check which elements delays your website.
For example :
or Page Speed plugin/addon for Firebug
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Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:14 pm
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Thank you!!

One last thing....I'm building multilingual website. When I added 3 more languages my menu disappeared (I've created separate ones for each language and even if I turn of other languages the main menu still doesn't appear) I have the main menu in position 7.
Thank you very much!
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Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:25 am
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Hard to say not seeing backend settings.
Probably you forgot about "one stupid switcher" .

Please read this: ... oomla-1-7/

and watch some movies on youtube - there are always showed all steps that could help you find out about what you forget. :whistle:
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