I'm having lots of problems with Bikestore template.
Basically the template seemed to work. In the front end everything seems as it should.
But I came into a problem when I tried to save some google fonts. I input the correct values and press save. I get a message saying "Message Style successfully saved" but when I reopen fonts everything is empty.
I bypassed that by manually adding the font in templates/gk_bikestore/layouts/blocks/head.php
- Code: Select all
echo "<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans+Condensed:300&subset=latin,greek' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>";
I continued working on the site and then at some point I wanted to add a suffix in some pages.
So I go to the template manager -> Features -> Suffixes for pages, I insert an ItemID and a suffix and press "Add rule" and nothing happens.
I tried to save my config to a different file so I can reload the default.config.json but can't do that either. When I input a name and press save I get thrown back to the template manages page with no error message and the file isn't created.
I also noticed some lines that I'm pretty sure shouldn't be there (marked them red)
Things I've checked / done
- Directory permissions (generally but also templates/gk_bikestore/config)
PHP settings (magic_quotes is off)
Removed the template and reinstall (nothing changed)
Installed another gk template (storebox) to see if I would have same errors (worked fine)
The site is not live but since it's on a dedicated server its easy to access it through a simple change in hosts file.
Any help would be greatly appreciated