teitbite wrote:Hi
I've tried one more thing and looks like it's happening becuase configuration file cannot be created. Check permissions than and see if scripts can create new files. Put everything is installed, so You may try just copy configuration.php from a working joomla version and try.
*** Latest Update ***
Hi teitbite, I have tweaked the ' configuration.php ' from another QuickStart file & I'm happy to report the ' BikeStore 3.0 QuickStart installation is NOW working on the server. Then...
I also had to log in ' myPHPAdmin ' at the back-end, and edit the ' gkadmin ' user, the default ' admin ' ' demo ' details would not allow me to log into the Joomla Administrator.
I've cleaned out the un-used tables from the mySQL database using the ' myPHPAdmin ' back end.
; ) thank you teitbite for you help trouble shooting this weird installation issue.
Niall K