to file "... \ modules \ mod_image_show_gk4 \ styles \ gk_bikestore \ view.php" on row 49 I have put the code to loading content
- Code: Select all
// creating slide content - Robo
$content = ($this->config['image_show_data'][$i]->type == "text") ? $this->config['image_show_data'][$i]->content : 'Only the text slides can be used';
$content = str_replace(array('[ampersand]', '[leftbracket]', '[rightbracket]'), array('&', '<', '>'), $content);
$content_sub = false;
// creating slide content - Robo END
and then over
- Code: Select all
<h3><a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo JString::substr($title, 0, $this->config['config']->gk_bikestore->gk_bikestore_title_block_length); ?></a></h3>
code to display content:
- Code: Select all
<p><?php echo $content; ?></p>