Problem: Transfer to new webbhotell

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GK User
Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:36 am
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Could you guys help me with this.

Yesterday I moved my website to a new webhotell.

I tested everything on the temporary address:
Then I transferred the domain and name servers to the new webhotel and after a few hours was working using the new webhotel.

The problem is if I use the now everything works except for:
- Cant log in as virtuemart custumer: Get "invalid token"
- The ajax cart works but the real cart is not updated. Also cart looks broken because there is no payment choices*
* please try yourself to add something to the cart in my webpage,

However the temporary address: which is using the exact same installation and database, IT WORKS.

I will probably get insane soon, can you guys figure out the problem?
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GK User
Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:50 am
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I think that it is a problem for the VirtueMart support - most probably it is some kind of problem with paths, which was changed when you have moved your website to other domain.
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GK User
Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:18 am
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Well the problem was weird and never solved, but I got the page to work if I turned off "adds suffix to url" in Joomla so I have accepted that change. It was something I wanted to do anyway eventually.
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