Hi, please help with problem.
The VM module Cart is enabled in the cart position.
But when I click on the cart (wich is not empty = filled with products) link, black EMPTY popup shows up (no css issue).
BikeStore is not the default template!, but the secondary(assigned to menus), the site is multilang.
I created quickinstall on localhost for testing, it looks like it works, but when I sets to default joomla beez template, and bikestore unnasign for ex. the home link (other lets have checked), and if you go to product layout, where is the bikestore template works,adds product to the cart, click the cart link, voala... empty popup.
Sum: you can replicate the problem, do quick install. After that select another template to default, unassign bikestore template for home link. Go to products (there is bikestore template, because you unassigned only for one menu = Home), add product, click on cart link, the result is empty link.
Please give me advice!
PS: the site is in localhost, and cant be tested on live, before everything doesnt work on eshop. Thank you.