I had various problems with the template.. can't remember exactly how I fixed the issue with the thumbnails..
All I can remember specifically is that the Gavick team were right, you have to have a different SKU number for each product.. that was the last step taken to solve the image display in "My Cart" issue..
Before doing that, I tried lots of things..
[*]I upgraded VirtueMart and ended up
installing version 2.0.20a[*]In
Shopfront Settings: Default template for your shop: gk_bikestore
Category template: gk_bikestore
Media Files Settings: Enable Dynamic Thumbnail Resizing: Enabled (checked)
Thumbnail Image Width : 150
Thumbnail Image Height : 150
In Activate Css Styles & Javascripts: Using the VirtueMart CSS -> Disabled (not checked)
Using the VirtueMart jQuery -> Enabled (checked)
Using the product Scripts -> Enabled (checked)
Using the Script ajax Countries / Regions -> Enabled (checked)
Use external google jQuery library -> Enabled (checked)
Then from my C-PANEL -> File Manager:
Went to
/public_html/images/stories/virtuemart/products/resized (that was my folder for the products thumbnails, don't know whether that is the same for you..)
and erased all files in there..
I have also taken the steps below but I am not 100% sure whether I did it for this issue or for the problem I had with the internal links 404 error due to Joomla cache Enabled..
Site->Global Configuration SEO Settings: Search Engine Friendly URLs -> No
Use URL rewriting -> No
Adds Suffix to URL -> YES
Unicode Aliases -> YES
Cache Settings: Cache -> OFFThen I cleared and purged cache from
Site->Maintenance, just in case..
Finally I had to issue different SKU numbers to all products, it seems to be working at least at the products I tried... check it out if you want..
http://www.dot-com.grThese are the steps I am certain that I have taken.. Don't know whether it will work for you.. but am hoping that it does..
If you want to ask anything else on my configuration feel free.. will be checking on the forum twice a day for 3-4 days..