Just upgraded from 3.5 to 3.8 and have following questions:
1) Where is the option to turn off responsive function?
2) I use following settings for cache:
Joomla global cache: off
Joomla global gzip: on
GK cache: on
css cache: on
css compression: on
javascrip compression: want to turn on - see below
2a) Do you agree with above settings? I have a problem understanding joomla contra gk cache?
2b) When I turn on javascript compression pop up cart, image show GK4 and the fancy virtuemart animation when you look at picture stop funtcioning. Try to exclude a few *.js but the largest ones such as motools can not be compressed. What to do if I want to enable javascript compression?
3) When I updated to 3.8 the icons for additional pictures below main one in vm product details are much smaller and not as nice as before. There is no space between them. Is this intentional? On your demo you dont use additional pictures so I can not compare.
My site: http://www.batbike.se