How to get VM image information in popup.
Thank you
And I update demo bikestore to latest template files (all) , and there no border and space in products thumbs VM2 but was before. How to get back this
Thank you
.floatleft, span.floatleft {
margin-left: 0;
teitbite wrote:Please change it back and I'll tell You how to make this image responsive.
.main-image img.product-image,
.featured-view .spacer img,
.latest-view .spacer img,
.topten-view .spacer img {
width: 100%;
echo $image->displayMediaFull("",true,"rel='vm-additional-images'");
echo $image->displayMediaThumb("",true,"rel='vm-additional-images'");
<div class="floatleft">
<div class="product-thumb">
elfis wrote:I found a very simple solution. In Virtuemart are three fields to be filled:
Unique Filename
Displayed image subtitle
Image Alt-Text
I used the second field to display the size of the fish on the product page. To be shown in the pop-up window, just add Alt Text.
Another solution that I found is to change a few letters in the original "theme" from gavick.
Line 104:
- Code: Select all
echo $image->displayMediaFull("",true,"rel='vm-additional-images'");
- Code: Select all
echo $image->displayMediaThumb("",true,"rel='vm-additional-images'");
After that, the "Displaeyd image subtitle" shows in pop-up window.