Hi. My site is http://www.loveall.oneofakind.ws. It is running VM 2.0.12F and Joomla 2.5.6 along with Gavern 3.5.1.
There are several problems. First, when you view any product, none of the product prices are shown. (example: http://www.loveall.oneofakind.ws/index. ... 800-detail). For some reason, all of them have the style attribute display:none. I've searched all over for where this might be located, but I haven't been able to find it. I've also setup Virtuemart to display all prices and labels, still with no luck.
Next, whenever you add a product to the cart and click on the "My Cart" text at the top and the modal box comes up, the picture does not load for the item in the cart.
I used the default, quick start file. I'm not sure what's causing all of these problems...
Thanks for your help!!