Hi there,
I have just installed Bikestore Quickstart Package at localhost.
After that I did what I have been told here
http://www.ostraining.com/blog/joomla/j ... i-lingual/
to switch Joomla to Multilanguage Mode, installed is English and German.
My default language is german within this site. But I am having some problems here.
1. The mainmenu disappeared on all pages, in english and in german. When I try to add a new main menu module, the position "mainmenu" does not appear. I can publish the menu on every other position, but not at the mainmenu position. It is simply missing.
2. The english START - Page (Homepage) is just showing the two featured articles. But I want it to be as in the demo aka the german site. Mainmenu, Slideshow, two rows with VM - Articles, the banner positions and so on. What I have on the english page is the logo, the lang switcher, the cart position, search, then the two articles and after that just the copyright information.
Please advice and help
Thank you in advance