Error Page & Registration Confrimtaion Page

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GK User
Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:10 pm
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Hi Guys,

Just looking at these couple of small issues,

1) The error page exists, but does not seem to always appear, I am having the issue where the error page will work / appear for registered users but will not appear for guests on the front end?


2) The registration confirmation message appears in a small ajax 'pop-down' from the top which works, however ideally I wanted this to appear within the main-body section which currently appears blank when you register, can i allocate a module to this specific page & position or can i change the message already in place to appear within the main body instead?

These are the last couple of adjustments i need to make at this stage so any prompt assistance is greatly appreciated.

Any hints, tips or tricks appreciated.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:16 am
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1) Could you provide me an example when the 404 error custom page doesn't appear in your template?

2) You said about the standard message bar which appears at the top of the website? If yes, you can move this bar to all possible places by moving the proper code fragment:

Code: Select all
<?php if(count($app->getMessageQueue())) : ?>
<jdoc:include type="message" />
<?php endif; ?>

currently it is located in the layouts/default.php file.
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