Special fields

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GK User
Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:21 pm
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Is it possible to have optional and non optional special fieds in an article.
What I mean is that when I have an article with various colours, make it 3 as an example.
I would make 4 special fields 1. Choose Colour ... 2. White 3. Black 4. Red
When you don't pick a colour youd should be warned.
In the Bikestore template I now get a product in my Cart with the colour "Chose Colour ..." when people forget to choose.
Is there a parameter you can check so that a field like colour is not optional but must be choosen?
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Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:40 pm
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It's impossible to do that with articles or you may need to seek for some plugin to support that or use K2 instead.

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Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:05 am
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by article do you mean joomla article (content item) or virtuemart product (shop item)?

in some countries product and articles mean same

if you mean product the i'd say YES of course you can use custom fields or child products to build nice product page. The best place to get more help is VM forum.
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:16 pm
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easybudget is right. If it's about VM than it's totaly possible. But if You need to make in with articles than I suggest to swith to K2 for example. It's ExtraFields functionality can easliy be customized to work like that. Also by using a K2mart plugin You can join VM's custom fields and K2's extra fields so there is more than a couple ways to do this.
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