I'm building a new site, and chose the BikeStore as the template, but on my tests I'm having some problems that I can't figure out the solution.
If you want, you can see at http://www.sisopcao.com . I'm only testing for now.
1.- I installed the module NewsShowPro GK4 (responsive), set it to show only on the Home page, but when I click on the 'readmore' button of one of the articles in that module, it shows the article but the module still shows, when it should disappear.
And if I set the module to displays on the 'mainbody' position, it would not show the article at all by clicking the 'readmore'.
2.- On the template configurations, on the 'SOCIAL API' tab, I have the "'Like' buttons in the articles" set to ON, just as the "Google +1 button", but only the Google+ shows on the articles, the facebook Like button doesn't apeear.
3.- I remember that Gavick used to have a PDF as a HelpFile for every module available for download, but not anymore. It was such a good help, because we could know the name of the suffixes that we can use, and so much more.
How can I know now all the configurations available for the News Show Pro GK4 or ImageShow GK4 for example? Like the module suffixes..
I know that I can install the QuickStart package of the template so I can see the examples for some of the configurations, but if I'm right, there's more options than those that are at the quickstart.
P.S.: Hope my english is good enough.