New custom block with parallax does not work.

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GK User
Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:32 pm
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I wanted to add a third block of parallax into my website, but for some reason if I scroll to the beginning part of my third block, my elements are allready at their end-position. If you scroll out of your page, you can see that the parralax is working at the same time as my first block. Is it because the JavaScript/jQuery has a maximum height, so that the parallax doesnt work properly if its out of that certain height? If yes, how do I need to configure it? If not, then what is exactly the problem?

I allready tried to increase my "data-area" to change the pixel area where it needs to start inside my module, but it doesn't work.

Thanks in advance.
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Fresh Boarder

Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:15 am
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Please show me Your site.
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GK User
Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:54 pm
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Thanks for responding so quickly. The website is located at:
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Fresh Boarder

Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:16 am
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Ok. Now I understand what You are trying to achive, but I will not be much of a help this time. To make it You need to make changes to /js/gk.parallax.js too. This template was designed to have only 2 paralax fields, so classess are triggered much earlier. Unfortunately this request is considered as customization and we do not support that.
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