Typography CSS & Bullet Lists in K2 articles

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Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:29 am
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Just upgraded from J2.5 to J3 and installed this J3 template from the downloads section (not the quickstart package)

For reasons unknown, I see some additional id selectors have been added to the typograpgy.styleX.css files in the css/typography folder, which plays a bit of havoc with bullet lists in K2 articles.

At around line 700 (depending on which style number you are using), you'll see;

Code: Select all
ul.gkBullet2 li,
#k2Container .itemFullText ul li,
#k2Container .itemIntroText ul li {
   background: url("../../images/style1/typography/bullet2.png") no-repeat 0 8px !important;

With that code, any bullet lists in K2 articles default to /images/style1/typography/bullet2.png - a red cross

For anybody effected, just delete;

#k2Container .itemFullText ul li,
#k2Container .itemIntroText ul li

and problem is solved. I hope that might help someone. Perhaps devs might want to update the template file download (I just downloaded a copy of the latest J2.5 version of the template and I see the code is added there too).
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Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:00 am
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Many users asking about default bullet styling in K2 and possibility to use typography inside K2 items that's why you see this additional selectors.
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Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:13 am
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Thanks for the reply bkrztuk. Yes, I can understand the requests for a default list styling for K2 articles. It could be a bit of a pain to add the class manually for those who don't know what they're doing and a default image makes life easier.

The problems it cause as I see it though (just my personal opinion and for what it's worth):
- the current default bullet being a red cross looks more like an error message than a bullet list. Perhaps make the default a green tick or a standard bullet marker rather than a red cross?
- the default K2 bullet overrides your template's built in typography in K2 articles. I really like Gavick typography, it's very comprehensive, looks good and I use it regularly. Suddenly though, I found it wasn't working in K2 due to the default image being set. It meant I had to remove the code to get it working correctly. That seems sort of counter-intuitive to me?

Just my opinion of course and I could be at odds with the rest of the Gavick community....? Anyhow, thought I'd mention it in case others might have been wondering why they had a red cross next to their content instead of a bullet marker and couldn't work out why?
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