Is there a way to disable showing the logo and logo slogan on the offline page please for all viewing devices ie desktop, mobile and tablet?
Also I'm wanting to use a Google font in the offline page custom message under global configuration/site settings within Joomla. I'm using a Google font on other pages in my site and it works fine but for some reason this only displays the fallback font and not the Google one.
I'm double checked the following is in templates/gk_gamenews/layouts/blocks/head.php and as the Google font works everywhere else I assume this is all good.
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Emilys+Candy' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
I then put this in my custom offline message:
<span style="font-family: 'Emilys Candy',cursive;">MY SITE NAME</span>
<br />
is currently being updated. Please check back again.
I only want MY SITE NAME to use the Google font but all that is displaying is the cursive font.
Do you know how I could get this to work please?
Thanks for your help.