I have a few quick questions regarding issues with my template please. Sorry thought i'd do them together to save you time
1. I'm having a strange problem with one of the menus on my site.
If you look at
www.iletpropertymanagement.com/dev/j3/w ... r-business
you'll notice that when you hover over the 'my site name' menu and then hoover over a menu that the child of each menu does not display correctly. However if you go to any other tab on the main menu and look at the my site name' menu items again they all work fine.
It only happens viewing the 'add a business' located in the top toolbar menu and also the 'my favourites' and 'my reviews'
Very strange. Would you have any ideas please? I thought it might be something to do with the z index but not sure?
2. if I wanted to make just the 'my site name' menu in lowercase how could I do that please as it is assigned to the main menu like the others?
3. How would I make the logo lowercase as I can't find what's making it uppercase in Firebug
4. If you look at this page
www.iletpropertymanagement.com/dev/j3/w ... xtra-venue
you'll notice that under the venue title the button (compare, add media, write review etc) are all different sizes. This also happens further down the pages under maps with the 'get directions' button and after the first review with the 'comments', 'reply to the review' etc.. I've contacted jReviews who state this is a template issue - probably a bootstrap issue. Indeed when I change to the standard default Joomla template they all appear fine so it must be a GameNews template issue. Any ideas what's causing this and how I eliminate it please? Is it a bug?
Many thanks.