Hi all,
I'm trying to use this template (I've give up on game magazine) but I'm having various problems (again)... As you can see in the following image:
1- I'm not able to make social icons to appear.
2- I'm not able to make de login appear. I think is because I need mod_gk_register and isn't installed (I don't know why or how to install it).
3- I need the name after the star or remove the star.
4- I need this zone in black. I think I need to add the dark sufix in the topmenu zone but I can't find the option...
I've trying to fix this (and the similar issues with game magazine) my self for a week but so far no results.
I hope someone can help.
I'm working in a test version of my site after update from 1.5 to 2.5 here: http://ptsims.net/site4/
Thank you in advance for all the help.