i create a news categoray in Content, i create an article with title 'Blod di Fernando Catalano' and in content i put an image and i wrtie Blog di Fernando Catalano, then in the home page manu i selected futured articles from this category, but nothing... In facebook i become the same, demo img and crysis article...
dziudek wrote:Hi,
The best way to provide good descritption and image for the website on Facebook is creating an article in Joomla! com_content component, specify image and make the article featured.
This is caused by fact that the Gavern framework uses for the Facebook crawlers special template located in the facebook.php file - this template on the frontpage displays the featured articles - if you create the featured article with good description (The best way will be placing the whole description on the article title - then you will avoid of displaying date, category and other metadata like: "29 Ago 2012 11:04 Categoria: Demo content Visite: 3"). Additionally the image used in the article will be displayed as a thumbnail of the page.