background color for Top1 or Top2 positions on full page

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GK User
Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:50 pm
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I was considering using Game News template on a new site.
But, to customize it I would need to add a background color/image/pattern only for some positions (for example, Top1 or Top2, maybe MainMenu).
The thing is that I want the background color to be applied on the full width of the page (and not only limited of the width of the PageContent).
I was not able to do it with Firebug (only was able to change within the PageContent).
Is it possible using only CSS or should I try differently ?
Thanks for the help.
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Senior Boarder

Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:11 pm
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This would require to change a structure of a template. Unfortunately it's too big customization, we cannot support such.
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