In K2 there is the function of showing "More in this category" items. However in this template the links are seen as one.
How can I make a small space or similar to separate them more (see image attached for better understanding)?
/* hiding back to top link */
#k2Container .itemBackToTop {display: none}
/* K2 - More in this category pagination*/
.itemNavigation {margin-bottom: 50px!important}
.itemNavigation span {display: block}
.itemNavigation .itemPrevious {float: left}
.itemNavigation .itemNext {float: right}
Seichinha wrote:Hi
Please enable the css override on template parameters > advanced settings.
Them open ../gk_gamenews/css/override.css file and add this lines:
- Code: Select all
/* hiding back to top link */
#k2Container .itemBackToTop {display: none}
/* K2 - More in this category pagination*/
.itemNavigation {margin-bottom: 50px!important}
.itemNavigation span {display: block}
.itemNavigation .itemPrevious {float: left}
.itemNavigation .itemNext {float: right}