Hi there, I need to change the background image in the header and the image of the guitar you see here: http://www.jamjosandbox.com/comic however the thing is I will not have FTP access. I need to change some css also. Can this be done from the Appearance > Editor area or is FTP access required. The reason I dont have this FTP access is because its a college project and the FTP access area is limited.
1. At the very least I need to edit some css but I cannot seem to see the override.css file from the Appearance > Editor area, is this possible another way.
2. Also I would love to be able to change this here: http://www.jamjosandbox.com/comic/wp-co ... bg1920.jpg but I see the image is in the theme but is there a way to edit it without ftp?
Thanks in advance.