I'm having a few issues with Blog posts I hope someone can help me resolve.
Despite using the 'Excerpt length (in words)' in 'Advanced theme settings' and the 'Insert Read More Tag' in the Visual Editor I cannot get a 'Read More...' link to click to the full Blog post. Alot of users would not know they had to click on the Post heading to get to the full article. Am I missing something?
I also cannot seem to find where to control the display of the 'Display Author Info' for posts. 'Display Author Info' in 'Basic theme settings' does nothing. Similarly 'Include/Exclude specific pages or categories from showing author block' when set to 'Disable on all Pages' does nothing. I have also found that 'Display details on pages' on 'Pages settings' does nothing!
These usually simple features to config are driving me MAD!
Please help, j.