Can header animation be changed to include a graphic file?

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GK User
Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:30 am
Is it possible to change the header animation to include a graphic file? Ideally, I'd like to remove some of the text and replace with my event logo. Screenshot is attached, and I've circled what text I'd like to replace.

Perfect world, I'd like to remove the logo from where Fest places it now, bring the text higher up on the hompage, and replace the indicated text with the logo. My url is:

Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.
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GK User
Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:16 am

Yes, it's possible, instead of your <h1 with new england... code from the header text widget, use the following code:

Code: Select all
 <img src="http://path/to/your/image.png" class="gk-scale-up" data-start="{'opacity':0}" data-end="{'opacity':1}" data-delay="600" data-time="500" />

with the path to your image.

To hide you default logo, add the following code into your Fest/css/override.css file (first enable this override option from Template Options -> Advanced tab):

Code: Select all
a.imageLogo {
   display: none;

and now you can use the logo image in my first fragment of code.
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GK User
Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:25 am
Thank you kindly. Worked great.

However, I just went into Theme Branding and changed "Theme Logo Type" to none. Does that accomplish the same thing as putting that code in override.css?
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GK User
Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:16 am
In FireFox only, I'm seeing the animation load like the attached screenshot. For less than a second, you can see almost a mini-version of the actual main animation. You can see it if you're using Internet Explorer. Any thoughts?
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GK User
Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:31 am
And one more question, is it possible to move the animation even higher up the page, closer to the horizontal menu bar at the top? Thanks.
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GK User
Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:03 am
Which version of Internet Explorer? Because I've checked versions higher than 9.0 and don't see any problem with the animation.

If you want to move the animation to the top, please add the following code into override.css file:
Code: Select all
.home #gk-header-top {
   margin-top: 0;

and it's of if you select "Theme Logo Type" to none.
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GK User
Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:59 pm
Piotr Kunicki wrote:Which version of Internet Explorer? Because I've checked versions higher than 9.0 and don't see any problem with the animation.

The animation weirdness was with FireFox, IE was fine.
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GK User
Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:15 pm
Which version of Firefox exactly? Because I can't see this issue.
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