Social Media Widget Additions

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Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:14 pm
I am keen to add a few more social media icons to the widget in this theme. For other themes I built new soc media icon widgets from scratch and added as text, but it would be great to just expand the exisiting social media widget instead.

I've sucessfully edited the PHP file so that it is possible to add a new link (in this case YouTube), and I can display this link with one of the 4 current social media icons but I'm trying to work out how to include different icons.

I presume I need to edit the images/social_icons.png to show a newly created logo for the additional social media link. Then update the php file with (for example) gk-youtube-icon for the relevant link. However, what do I then need to edit so the correct icon is displayed?

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Fresh Boarder

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Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:36 am

Generally, each theme has different icons, so it would be difficult to use the same widget in all themes (and our new themes uses font icons instead of images).

Please edit your image/ file (add new icons on the right), switch images and please provide an URL to your website (here or via PM), then I'll try to help you with that.
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