Post excerpt -- how to show full post instead?

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GK User
Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:40 pm
Hi -- when making a blog post, the theme only shows an excerpt of the full post and requires a click-through to read the full post. I'd like to be able to show the full blog post and not require a click-through.

I also noticed that the excerpt removes any formatting and hyperlinks. For example, I wanted to create a post in a list format:


But the excerpt removes the vertical formatting, and puts everything on one line: XXX YYY ZZZ

So again, when adding a new blog post, I'd like the whole post to display with desired links and formatting.

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GK User
Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:51 am

It's the default behaviour - excerpt cut off html tags, so your formatting is not visible, if you want to display full posts, please edit your Fest/content.php file and replace this line:
Code: Select all
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>

Code: Select all
<?php the_content(); ?>
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