Localizing counter / counter usage

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Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:12 pm

I got 2 question:

1. How can I localize the counter. I want to tanslate the day,hour,min,sec part of the counter, but i can't find it anywhere.

2. We got 2 pages. One for our magazine and the second for our festival. How can I use the counter on the other site (Rockwall wordpress theme).
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GK User
Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:33 am

Please check Fest/js/gk.scripts.js file - these words you can change around 398-401 lines.

If you want to add the counter into another theme, you'll have to copy text widget with the counter content, then you'll have to copy css Fest/css/extensions.css file - 9.3. Header Top slideshow section and copy the js fragment resposible for the counter from js/gk.scripts.js file. (generally we don't support this kind of customization - move one fragment of the theme to another, but I gave you some advice where you should start).
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