Hi, well basically... I have the template page 'latest posts'.. when I create a normal post under 'post', the template options are not in the editor.. Instead I have 'format' i.e standard/image/link/quote etc.
Now, here's the thing, If I create a new 'Page', within the editor, I see the template option on the left which gives me the option in selecting 'Latest Posts'.. (the one I need to have my posts appear)... So when I create this page and select this template.. I go to view, and nothing shows up on my site??? There's still no post under my heading 'Latest Posts'...??? What am I doing wrong exactly?
Essentially, I would like to write (as wordpress normally does) my blog posts under 'write new blog post' option within the back office of wordpress.. and not have to create new pages every time I want to write something. Can you show me how I can achieve this. I'm pretty much in dire need of this function, otherwise I don't really see the point in having a site without a blog function.
I'd be happy to send you my back office details to login and see what's what.
thank you.