Hi, I can get the theme working: http://halloweenhullaballoo.com/ but what I really want is the quickstart package to work. I need to start adding "speakers" and editing the sponsorship area but it's a bit difficult for a non-developer. When I go to install the quickstart package in wordpress is says that "The theme is missing the <code>style.css</code> stylesheet." and is failing to install. Any ideas?
Fresh Boarder
GK User
Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:23 am
You can't install quicsktart packagage withing existing Wordpress installation. Quicsktart is a WordPress with our theme, content and configuration included, please check this similar thread: https://www.gavick.com/forums/m-social- ... 29769.html
Thanks Piotr, I've almost got everything up and running! Real quick - how do I make it to where my posts don't show on my homepage? I've added a speaker and now the post associated is huge and right there on my home. halloweenhullaballoo.com