Featured image resizing (for speaker)

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GK User
Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:08 pm

When my sites admin-users makes a new speaker they usally uploads a full size(couple of MP's) 3:2/2:3 ratio image. They find it difficult to manually resize the images 300 x 300 px.

Is it possible to make the theme/wordpress automatically use a resized featured image for the speaker pages?
Is it possible to activate an automatic image resizing for the featured image so that when?
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GK User
Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:34 am
Hi, you can edit image (crop, set ratio, change dimensions) in WP media manager during the uploading. Or you can use this solution.

use gavern/user.functions.php file, and e.g. this code
Code: Select all
< ?php the_post_thumbnail('custom-1); ?>
in content-speaker.php file (it will be working properly with speakers page, but images may be in wrong sizes e.g. in speakers widget).
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GK User
Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:56 pm
Thanks! This fixed some of the issue, but not all of it.
So how can i get the croped/resized image to be used by the speakers-widget.
I tried doing what you wrote in the post..
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GK User
Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:32 am
So, did you edit image (crop, set ratio, change dimensions) in WP media manager? and it's wrong size in speakers widget?

Could you provide an URL to your website? (here or via PM)..
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GK User
Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:37 am
Well, i have tried wordpress image editor, but:
I'm interessted in finding a way for this to happen automatically? Is it easily doable? E.g, im looking for some code that can make the speaker-widget use a automatically downsiezed image(if nesessary) and automatically do a 1:1-ratio crop. The level of technical competanse within my user admin-group isn't high enough to crop images manually..
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GK User
Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:36 pm
Unfortunately it requires a lot of custom work in widgets.speakers.php file. This widget takes images from media library so you can't just use the_post_thumbnail function like on the speaker pages.
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GK User
Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:00 am
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