Where are the .po and .mo language files ?

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GK User
Sun May 05, 2013 2:20 am
Where are the .po and .mo language files ?

I just need to translate into one language, I don't want to bother with WPML

I looked in Fest/languages
there is and index.html file and a fest.pot file. What's that ? Where are the .mo and .po files ?
I need to edit them to translate the teme in french.

Thank you
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GK User
Sun May 05, 2013 3:05 am
Ok, never mind. I figured it out.

For those who wonder how.

I used Poedit to convert the .pot file into .mo and .po
I translated the strings I most cared about translating and saved both .po and .mo into the same folder as the .pot file.

Like this: using the right prefix for the language of translation.
In the present case, french:

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