Demo Theme How To's

Best WordPress theme for festivals or other events with responsive, clean and unique design.
GK User
Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:12 pm

I didnt know If I needed to make all these questions seperate or not but If I need to I will. For the most part I'm able to figure out things in the Demo. I have a couple questions about things I'm not seeing.

1. Where do I change default countdown time, Festival Musico and the Dates?
2. I can't seem to figure out how to edit the sponsors on the home page and sponsors on the sponsor page?

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GK User
Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:39 pm

The mentioned elements are a part of the Custom HTML elements and it was described here:

1) Sponsors logotypes:

2) Header animation:
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GK User
Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:21 pm
dziudek wrote:Hi,

The mentioned elements are a part of the Custom HTML elements and it was described here:

1) Sponsors logotypes:

2) Header animation:

1. Ok, thanks I figured out the Sponsor thing, on the sponsor page I have attached a screenshot. How do I get my logo centered, it's centered on the homepage?

2. Where do I add the Header type code and countdown HTML code? I can't seem to figure that out. Thanks
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GK User
Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:39 am
hiphopucit wrote:
dziudek wrote:Hi,

The mentioned elements are a part of the Custom HTML elements and it was described here:

1) Sponsors logotypes:

2) Header animation:

1. Ok, thanks I figured out the Sponsor thing, on the sponsor page I have attached a screenshot. How do I get my logo centered, it's centered on the homepage?

2. Where do I add the Header type code and countdown HTML code? I can't seem to figure that out. Thanks

I found the countdown and header information. I still need to know how to center the logos. Thanks!
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GK User
Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:26 pm
Could you send me an URL to the page with the problems? Because I've to see it in order to help you with this problem.
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GK User
Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:07 pm
I sent you a PM, thanks!
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GK User
Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:33 pm
You have to ways to center these images:

1) In the css/extensions.css file for selector:

Code: Select all
.page-event .gk-sponsors-wrap a

add property:

Code: Select all
text-align: center;

2) Prepare bigger images - around 190px width with spaces on the right and left side of the image.
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